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The Epidemiology of Severe Acne in the United States

Most of us think of acne as being a skin problem that affects teens. Hormonal acne often occurs in adolescence and usually diminishes by the time the person reaches their adult years. But the way acne affects individuals and the ages at which it occurs seems to be changing somewhat over time. According to Mayo Clinic, between 70 and 87 percent of acne cases occur among teenagers. However, the number of cases of pre-teens and adults with acne has been increasing over the past several years.
There are also many adults who continue to experience acne symptoms or who have acne for the first time. An estimated 80% of all people between the ages of 11 and 30 will get acne at some time, with some people continuing to have outbreaks into their forties and fifties. Regardless of whether you need treatment as a teen or are looking for an effective acne treatment for adults, early treatment is essential for preventing both physical and emotional scars.
Male vs. Female
Acne is caused by DHT, a type of hormone that is created as a byproduct of testosterone. DHT causes the skin to produce oil that leads to blocked pores. Since teenaged boys have more of this hormone during adolescence, they are most likely to have acne and experience more severe forms.
Females also have testosterone, and adult women can experience a lot of hormonal fluctuations that cause acne outbreaks. As adults, more women have acne outbreaks than men. More than 50% of adult women have some breakouts, with 60 to 70% experiencing them prior to their menstrual period.
Getting the Right Treatment Early
Effectively treating acne means reducing the amount of oil in the skin, right now, and preventing too much oil from being produced in the future. An effective acne treatment for adults and teens should be used as a regimen until the complexion is clear, and then less frequently to maintain the clear skin. To learn more about the DHT-fighting ingredients in Clearogen, or to place your order, call 1-877-30-CLEAR.