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The Best Adult Acne Treatment on the Market

With so many acne products sold today, it can be confusing to know which one will really work to eliminate your acne. Clearogen is the best adult acne treatment available today, and we have the science to back that. Clearogen was clinically proven to improve acne when compared to benzoyl peroxide 5% solution in a clinical study that lasted for eight weeks. This double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial showed that Clearogen outperformed benzoyl peroxide for acne in several ways.
Clearogen reduced inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions, reduced signs of irritation, which indicated the effectiveness of our product without skin irritation, and it decreased the production of oil in the skin. Oil reduction showed Clearogen’s ability to reduce dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the skin. DHT is the root cause of acne. Clearogen acne lotion reduced the transformation of testosterone to DHT by 49%, which is a significant amount. It also prevented the transformation of testosterone and DHT into other metabolites.
Adult Acne Treatment with Clearogen
Adult acne treatment is easy with Clearogen and our three-step process. We recommend that you use our Clearogen Foaming Cleanser as your first step to healthier skin. It is effective in removing makeup, dirt, excess oil, and harmful bacteria that can lead to acne. This product contains botanical extracts that renew your skin and allow it to begin to heal naturally. It is safe for all skin types, even for sensitive skin. Next, apply Clearogen Clarifying Toner to eliminate dirt and oil that remains in your pores. It gently reduces redness and sensitivity, and decreases the size of your pores. This product is also made with FDA-approved botanical extracts and other natural ingredients. The third step is to use Clearogen Acne Lotion on your skin. It is the best acne treatment for adults, because it contains natural acne medicine that clears adult acne quickly and stops new acne from developing.