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Summer Lovin’… Tips from Clearogen to Love Your Skin

Photo courtesy of Seventeen.com Photo courtesy of Seventeen.com
Summer is finally here: time to hit the beach, BBQ, and enjoy those long anticipated summer vacations. But as the weather heats up, it’s important to remember to adjust your skin care routine accordingly.
Apply sunscreen often
Sunscreen is a must. Without it, your asking for damage that can’t be undone, like sunspots, melanoma, and wrinkles…oh my! Be sure to opt for sunscreens that are non-comedogenic, meaning that the product is oil-free and designed to not clog your pores.
Splash your face clean several times a day
Excessive heat and sweating can cause more breakouts than usual so, in addition to your daily face washing routine, splash some cool, clean water on your face to remove the oil, sweat and impurities that settle there throughout the day.
Exfoliate several times a week
As the temperature rises and the skin sweats more, excess oil and dead skin builds up more quickly. This dead skin and oil and need to be gently exfoliated away often. Opt for an all-natural at home scrub by combining two tablespoons of ground almonds with two tablespoons of mango or apricot pulp.
Wash your face with the right products
The most important thing you can do to take care of your skin this summer is use the right products. Use Clearogen’s three-step acne treatment: foaming cleanser, clarifying toner and acne lotion, once a day to effectively remove makeup, excess oil, and bacteria and also stop DHT production (the hormone that causes acne).
So there you go, a few simple tips to keep your skin looking its best as the summer heats up. Now get out there and have some fun in the sun.
- Team Clearogen