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Kick The Concealer and Flaunt Clear Skin

Photo courtesy of Makeup and Beauty Blog Photo courtesy of Makeup and Beauty Blog
I’ve been suffering from breakouts since I was 13. I hoped that after high school my face would clear up, that my acne was just something that teenagers had to go through. But when I started college in the fall, I was still having issues with my skin and that really messed with my self-esteem. Whoever said confidence comes from within never suffered from acne! When I had one of my major acne flare-ups, I felt like it was all people could see and have even skipped parties and cancelled dates because I just felt so self-conscious.
Over the years I’ve tried everything to get clear skin, including products like Murad and natural remedies like tea tree oil, but nothing worked. So I started piling on makeup to cover my acne, relying on MAC Studio fix foundation, powder and concealer to disguise my breakouts. But not being able to leave the house without spending 30 minutes trying to cover up my face became exhausting. Plus, all that makeup seemed to clog up my pores and aggravate my acne even more. It was a vicious cycle.
Then my roommate told me about Clearogen that she came across on Sephora.com and absolutely loves. I figured I’ve tried everything else so why not? I ordered the three-step acne treatment set and started using it every day. I've only been using it for 60 days. Regardless, I'm impressed. I went to my dermatologist last week for a 3 month follow-up: my old spots are drying up and my scarring is starting to go away too. But what made me leave this review is that I am thoroughly impressed with this product. I’m rocking my new skin and now walk around with confidence.
Ladies there is only so much you can hide with makeup. Get to the root of the problem with a product that works, here is where you can order from Sephora. I have been using the Clearogen Sulfur 3 step treatment set. Give it a try if you want to improve the condition of your skin and get rid of acne for good.
Julie –Sacramento California (guest blog entry)