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How to Choose Makeup for Faces with Acne

Wearing makeup has long been problematic for any teen or woman with acne. Although the myth that wearing makeup is the cause of acne is nothing more than that, it is possible for the wrong type of makeup to aggravate the existing condition. Since traditional acne solutions have stressed the need to keep skin clean and to wash multiple times each day, many people believed that the makeup covered pores and caused the buildup that led to blackheads and pimples. Fortunately, we now know that it is possible to use effective acne control products and still wear makeup.
To cover acne without contributing to the problem, follow these guidelines:

  • Foundation is the biggest concern, as it is typically applied over the entire face. Choose one that is non-greasy, preferably with a water base, so it doesn’t add to the existing excess of oil. It should say “Oil Free” and, even if it doesn’t say water-based on the label, water should be listed as the first ingredient.
  • When makeup is listed as “non-comedogenic,” this means it has been made from ingredients that will not clog pores.
  • All Natural makeup is always the better choice. Read the ingredients to make sure they really contain no additives that could exacerbate the problem with your skin. Natural ingredients are less likely to be irritating or to cause your skin to react from allergies.
  • Mineral-based makeup has been growing in popularity over the past several years. These makeups have ingredients added to them, like titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or silica, to soak up oil and cover the redness. They are a good choice because they are non-irritating, and they don’t aggravate acne. Dimethicone is another ingredient used in cosmetics to help cover the redness of acne and an uneven skin tone.

While sunscreen is always a good idea, getting yours separately will allow you to choose one that is right for your skin, and one which contains no harsh ingredients to irritate it. Keeping the makeup as simple as possible will reduce the likelihood that it will cause you further skin problems. To learn more about Clearogen and how it can help keep your skin clean and acne-free, call 1-877-30-CLEAR.