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Effective Adult Acne Treatment with Clearogen

Adults of all ages suffer from acne, which is a hormonal problem that originates in your skin. When you break out with bumps, whiteheads, blackheads, and other forms of acne, you have hormonal acne that is caused in men, women, and teens when you have too much dihydrotestosterone (DHT) produced in your skin. This stimulates the oil glands to produce too much oil, and the bacteria on your skin then produce ugly acne outbreaks. Women often have acne that depends on their menstrual cycle, which causes them to have blemishes before, during, or after menstruation. These can be painful lesions on their cheeks, chin, or along the jaw line. This is sometimes referred to as menstrual acne.

How to Use Clearogen Adult Acne Treatment

Almost half of adult women develop acne at some time. Even if you have never had teenage acne, you might develop this skin condition when you are older. When hormones change from starting or stopping birth control pills, or when hormones fluctuate for other reasons, acne can develop. Adult hormonal acne can be treated with Clearogen, a product that goes to where DHT is produced to regulate the amount of this hormone that is produced. In turn, less oil develops on the skin and acne does not develop. Clearogen treatment involves using three easy steps, which are the following:

Step 1 – Use Clearogen Foaming Cleanser to remove makeup, oil, and harmful acne-causing bacteria. It is an FDA-approved formula containing botanical extracts that rejuvenate your skin.

Step 2 – Apply Clearogen Clarifying Toner after Cleansing. This is the best treatment for adult acne. It allows your skin to renew itself and is made for all skin types.

Step 3 – Apply Clearogen Acne Lotion as the final step. This product contains the acne-fighting ingredients that have been proven to reduce DHT production and returns it to normal levels in the skin. It also contains benzoyl peroxide to treat the acne that you currently have on your face.

When you use Clearogen for 60 days, you will see that new acne is not developing. Once your skin is to the point that you are satisfied, you can use our products less often to maintain smooth, acne-free skin.