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Clearogen Is the Best Adult Acne Treatment

It can be very frustrating for adults who have never had acne in their teenage years to suddenly develop it in their 30s or 40s. Acne develops when hormones fluctuate, and when the hormones in your skin undergo any type of change, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and other blemishes can develop. The real cause of acne is the overproduction of the hormone DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which is present in the skin of both men and women. DHT causes your oil glands to produce too much oil, and acne can then develop. Clearogen is the best acne treatment for adults because it goes deep within your skin to where DHT is produced. It then stops your skin from producing excessive amounts of this hormone. When you use Clearogen, it stays within your skin to treat your acne, and it does not go through your system to affect the other hormones in your body.

Reasons to Choose Clearogen Adult Acne Treatment
Clearogen adult acne treatment was developed by a board certified dermatologist because a new, different type of treatment was needed to keep acne from returning again. Adult hormonal acne can effectively be treated with Clearogen because the natural botanical extracts clear the acne that you presently have on your skin, and it also works to prevent new acne from developing. Clearogen has been clinically proven to treat acne and to normalize the production of DHT, and it will work for you, just as it has for thousands of others. Simply use our three-step process of using Clearogen Foaming Cleanser, Clearogen Clarifying Toner and Clearogen Acne Lotion once every day to get the smooth, acne-free skin that you have always wanted.