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Clearogen Controls Hormonal Acne to Prevent New Outbreaks

Before Clearogen, the new acne treatment that was created by a dermatologist, it was almost impossible to keep stubborn hormonal acne from coming back. Every time that the pimples and bumps currently on your face were almost gone, new ones began to develop. This led to a continual cycle of blackheads, whiteheads, and skin inflammation with few days that your skin was clear. Now, thanks to Clearogen you can treat the acne on your face without new outbreaks of embarrassing acne. Here is how Clearogen works:

  • Clearogen is a 3-Step Formula that cleanses the skin and lowers DHT  (dihydrotestosterone) in the skin
  • When DHT is reduced the skin does not produce excess oil
  • Clearogen treats the acne that is on your skin now
  • It prevents new acne from developing

Clearogen is the only over-the-counter acne solution that goes to the root problem of acne – DHT.
What to Expect from Clearogen Hormonal Acne Treatment
Clearogen will begin to clear the acne that is on your skin the first day that you begin using it. Clinical testing has shown that when it is used properly, it reduces existing acne and prevents new acne from developing. Within 30 days, existing acne begins to go away and new acne stops forming. You will notice that you skin is healthier and is not as oily as it once was. Within 45 to 60 days, you will see significant improvement in your skin’s appearance.