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Acne Solutions for the Job Interview

Although many of the adults who are affected with acne are content with using acne solutions that don’t really have an impact on their skin, evidence shows that failing to get results can have an impact on your being able to get a job. When researchers from Rice University and the University of Houston performed a study1 on how interviewers looked at the people they were interviewing, those with acne distracted them. The results of the interview indicated that, although not done consciously, even those who had performed repeated interviews failed to retain pertinent information about the candidates with distracting facial features. These results give adults even more reasons to get real acne control.
The Focus Is On the Face
According to the researchers who performed the study, it is normal for a person to focus on a triangular region around the eyes and mouth during conversation. Tracking the amount of attention that was given outside the triangular area by the interviewer was the key factor in how much information was lost. The research also looked at the impact of scars and birthmarks.
With a shortage of jobs available today, no one can afford to lose out on good job opportunities because of their complexions. While there is no known way to change the impact of a blemished face on the interviewer, Clearogen offers real acne solutions that will result in a dramatic improvement of your skin. To learn more about Clearogen products, call 877-30-CLEAR.
1. Weisul, Kimberly, Posted November 15, 2011, Accessed June 19, 2014, “Can acne ruin your job interview? Study shows it can.” CBS Money Watch
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