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10 Reasons Why Customers Prefer Clearogen Acne Solutions

Acne is the most common skin condition, and it affects millions of people around the world. If it is not treated, it can cause scarring on the skin. Here are 10 reasons why our customers prefer Clearogen acne solutions over others that they have tried:
1. Clearogen is not simply a temporary fix that dries up a blemish on your face. It does clear the acne on your face, but it also prevents new acne from developing.
2. Clinical studies have shown that Clearogen stops the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the cause of acne. When this hormone is within normal ranges, acne does not develop.
3. Our products are used one time each day in an easy three-step program of cleansing, applying toner, and then applying Clearogen lotion. All three products are made by Clearogen.
4. Clearogen was created by a board certified dermatologist to clear acne and to keep it from returning.
5. Clearogen products are FDA-approved, and they contain natural ingredients.
6. DHT acne is not affected deep within the skin by other products. Clearogen has the proven ability to stop the over-production of the hormone that causes acne in males and females.
7. Clearogen begins working the first time that you apply it to your skin. Within 30 days, the acne on your skin will begin to go away, and new acne will stop forming. Within 45 to 60 days, you will see a significant improvement in your skin.
8. We offer a 60-day money-back satisfaction guarantee on Clearogen.
9. You can see before and after photos of real customers right here at our website.
10. Clearogen is formulated to treat all types of acne, including hormonal cystic acne.